Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Sister Maria: Hi, what are you doing?

A-L: I'm exhausted. I've been cleaning all day.

Sister Maria: Aren't you supposed to be job hunting?

A-L: I thought maybe I'd find a job under the refrigerator. I scrubbed the bathroom, and even vacuumed the vacuum cleaner.

Sister Maria: Is Irma coming to visit??

A-L: Close. Pete will be here tomorrow.

Sister Maria: Public Safety Pete is coming to visit and you wasted a whole afternoon cleaning? You know the first thing he's going to do is a fire safety inspection. You don't have any battery-less smoke alarms in the place, do you?

A-L: Maria, I live in an old Victorian house that's been converted into a maze of apartments. My bedroom is what used to be the dining room, a couple lives in the garage, and the lights flicker when someone upstairs uses the garbage disposal. There is NO WAY this place is going to pass Pete's safety inspection. So I thought it was best to dust door jambs and mop the kitchen floor.

Sister Maria: You've got it all wrong. Pete wouldn't notice a dusty door jamb unless it had a sparking wire on it. He'll be focused on overloaded sockets, fraying wires, a malfunctioning oven fan, obstructed exits, and slippery stairs.

A-L: I'll keep the lights low.

Sister Maria: How long will it take you to find a new apartment?


Anonymous said...

Anna-Lisa - your blog tells me you posted this at 5am. Is this 5am Scottish time (and you know we invented time, right?), or California time?

Are you adopting the sleeping pattern of a chronically unemployed person? I'm worried. Tell Pete I said hi. His 'Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part' saying is in my top five sayings ever.

PS you have to join twitter.

Abcdpdx said...

This cleaning--is that a Finnish thing?

ALS said...

Dear Zozopdx,

The cleaning is a "I'm living with two guys who never clean" thing. That's why I had to vacuum the vacuum cleaner...

