Monday, February 09, 2009

San Francisco Tourist Attractions

A-L: Hi Emma, when are you coming to visit me?

Emma: Soon. I'm dying to see the Nutcracker.

A-L: Bad news. He's dead. Or hibernating.

Emma: You killed the 3rd Avenue Nutcracker?

A-L: Uh, I think so. Public Safety Pete and cousins Tim and Tom were in town last Wednesday. We went for dim sum, and of course we walked back to my house via 3rd Avenue. I think we were the last people to see the Nutcracker alive.

Emma: How did you kill him?

A-L: We went up and touched him to find out what he's made of.

Emma: You didn't! You touched him?!

A-L: He's made of fiberglass.

Emma: Was made of fiberglass. I think I'll schedule a trip to San Francisco to coincide with the birth of the next Nutcracker. When do you think that'll be?

A-L: Shortly after Labor Day, I'm sure. It's supposed to be lovely in San Francisco in Autumn. The leaves turn and the Nutcrackers hatch.

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