Thursday, February 26, 2009

Human Rights in South Central L.A., or The Olsen Twins

Peter the Greek: Wow, that documentary we just saw (Crips and Bloods: Made in America) was incredible. It's unconscionable that this urban warfare is going on so close to the media epicenter that is Los Angeles, and yet it's barely covered.

A-L: Too right, as the Scots would say.

P the G: How does this escape the attention of mainstream media? It's happening in their backyard.

A-L: It's not that they don't know about it, it's just that it doesn't sell magazines. We need to get the Olsen twins involved for People Magazine to cover it.

P the G: I don't think the Olsen twins are into gang warfare. That doesn't seem like their bag.

A-L: Oh, maybe you're on to something. They could date rival gang members, and then facilitate a truce. People Magazine would love that. And then Americans in dentist offices across the country would know about the conflict.

P the G: That could work, except one of the twins is missing.

A-L: Which one?

P the G: Uh, I can't remember their names.

A-L: I don't believe you.

P the G: Ok, it's Ashley. She's withdrawn a bit. Mary Kate is the one who's totally in the spotlight, and used to hang out with Paris Hilton, et al.

A-L: So, what's the next step?

P the G: In getting Ashley back into the spotlight?

A-L: No, in getting the Olsen twins to make people aware of the situation, specifically the origins of the gang rivalry in South Central, and working towards a solution.

P the G: Pass.

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