Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fun With English

The other morning I heard Ted and Justyna having what seemed like a very serious conversation. It was 8:30 a.m., and Justyna was half asleep, so I interrupted...

A-L: Are you ok?

Ted: tennis problem

A-L: Whuh? Tennis problem?? I don't understand.

And then Ted mimed a gentle back-hand over the imaginary net in Justyna's room. Can you get tennis elbow working at the Sheraton? Did he not qualify for Wimbledon? Did he lose his sweatbands? What possible "tennis problem" could Ted have?

Ted: Ping-pong table. Problem.

Turns out he ordered a ping-pong table for his kids, Angela and Patrick, from the Polish equivalent of eBay, and they weren't going to allow Ted to pay on delivery. Tennis problem.

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