Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hypochondria and Heather Locklear

Whatever happened to Heather Locklear? She was so totally happenin' in like 1999. She's virtually disappeared. If you see her, let me know.

For those you of you looking for a good recipe for making fake blood (for Halloween costume fun) I'd like to pass on an old Scottish recipe: mix Nescafe instant coffee and ketchup. Instant fun. And blood.

I had a close relative who my mom secretly diagnosed as a hypochondriac, and I'm wondering if it's hereditary. Or perhaps contagious. I used to sit next to Alex when I worked in the Pre-Press department at the Daily News. Alex was convinced he had throat cancer because he had these horrible pains, and difficulty swallowing. He prolonged the drama by scheduling a doctor's appointment for September. It was July when his 'spells' began. By the time the doctor's appointment rolled around, Alex had interviewed morticians and willed away his 1992 Toyota Corolla. The doctor's verdict? Heart burn.

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