Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I don't blog about dating, unless it's about the dating adventures of friends who are now married. Namely, my friend who shall remain nameless. When I met him, he was 36, or 34, and dateless. He casually mentioned that he owned a scale model of the Starship Enterprise. I suggested that he not tell prospective dates that. Ever. I also reminded him that, in order to own a scale model of something, an original must have existed. (He disputes that we had this conversation, and that he ever owned such a thing...now that he's happily married to one of my very funny and gorgeous friends. You know who you are. And so do your hot-tubbing raccoons.)

This weekend I told a bachelor friend - let's call him John Doe - this cautionary tale, of the scale-model-owning bachelor. He laughed. And laughed. And about three hours later, John turned to the attractive woman sitting to his left and said: "I've seen you before. Do you go to pinball?"


Abcdpdx said...

before I met my hip husband I dated a chemist who was working on his Ph.D. and had a framed Periodic Table in his bedroom. I found it kind of endearing, but the Mariah Carey CD was the deal-breaker. nothing cute about that, folks.

ALS said...

I love when you reference earlier blog posts in your comments. The lesson here: Stay out of chemist's bedrooms.
