Monday, November 08, 2004

Witch Doctors and Old Wives' Tales

Never doubt "the Irma." That's what I started calling my mom yesterday. "The Irma" is an international phenomenon. More on that later.

On Saturday my niece, Aila, had a temperature of 102. My sister wanted to take her to the emergency room. I think her husband, Hector, persuaded her to call "the Irma" for some medical advice. So she did.

The Irma said, "Give Aila some baby Tylenol and then give her a bath. It will lower her body temperature."

What??!!? Maria is used to getting cockamaimie medical advice from well-meaning friends, neighbors, and in-laws. Had she misdialed? She thought she had called the Irma, Registered Nurse, mid-wife, and font of all knowledge medical. The best the Irma could come up with is "give the baby a bath"?

"Ok, thanks," Maria told the Irma.

For the first time, she doubted our mom's medical advice.

So she called the pediatrician.

Maria: "Aila has a fever of 102. Should I take her to the emergency room?"

Pediatrician: "No. Just give her a bath."

It will lower her body temperature.

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