Friday, November 26, 2004

A Thanksgiving Greeting From My Family

Yes, they're thinking of me. This is the message my family sent me on Thanksgiving:

Gary says to just quit your whining and enjoy your haggis. Bagpipe music just doesn't go with football and turkey anyway.There really wasn't room for an 11th person at the table, and the only other setting was a tupperware plate from the 1960's with a whinnie-the-pooh sippie cup. The surplus white meat went to the most worthy recipient, our dog Pepper.

Peter is still raving about the stuffing and the gravy. Aila especially enjoyed Tina's yams with that tasty marshmallow topping.But you probably didn't care about any of that anyway.

Surely tropical Scotland is a much preferable place to spend the holidays, not like the sunny 70's we're enjoying here in California with a nice Napa valley merlot in hand. Oh, well, at least you get the benefit of picking up Shrek's accent.There's plenty of packing and moving waiting for you when you return.

I grabbed a few morsels of turkey for you from Pepper's bowl before he scarfed the rest down, so you'll have a memento of our holiday.

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