Sunday, July 23, 2006

Vindication (and talking cats)

A-L: Remember when that lady told me on my 30th birthday that I looked like I was over 30?

Kitty: Uh, no.

A-L: Well she did. And I'll never shop at Albertsons again.

Kitty: What's Albertsons?

A-L: Well, I must be getting younger, because TWO people asked me if I was 21 at the Chicago Airport.

Kitty: Were they drunk?

A-L: No, they were working the desk at the United lounge.

Kitty: Why were they asking you how old you are? Were you drinking?

A-L: No, they asked if I wanted drink coupons, and of course I said yes.

Kitty: Did you use the coupons?

A-L: No, you're getting off track. The point of the story was that TWO people thought I was under 21.

Kitty: So does that mean you look 42?

A-L: This is the last time you're appearing in dialogue. And Caroline's cats are more affectionate than you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Kitty doesn't suffer from pica the way Zoe does.