Friday, July 21, 2006

Syrian Restaurant

Today a colleague and I went to Palmyra Pizza for lunch. I was so looking forward to a Humus Falafel. The place looked closed. Lights low. Sign at the door says:

Open 12 pm
Fridays Open 2pm

I read this sign as:

Open 12 - 2 pm.

It's 12:45, I'm hungry. I know the guy who runs the place. Saw him inside. Knocked on the door.

Guy Who Runs the Place: Hi. We're closed, but if you're getting take-away I'll serve you.

A-L: Great. Your sign confused me. I thought it said you were open 12 - 2pm.

GWRTP: No, we open at 2pm on Fridays.

A-L to colleague: He's Syrian, but he's friends with me even though I'm American.

GWRTP: I hate your President, not you.

A-L: Yeah, that's ok. Why do you open at 2pm on Fridays?

GWRTP: We have Friday prayers at 1 o'clock, but that's fine, I'll make your falafel first.


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