Wednesday, December 21, 2005


So, I was walking the dog in my sister's neighborhood, minding my own business (publishing) and then 'the neighbor' pulls up...

Neighbor: Ohmigod, are you Maria's sister? You look exactly like her.

A-L to herself: We have the same parents, and they look alike.

A-L to neighbor: Yeah, people always say that.

Neighbor: Ohmigosh, so, are you home alone? What have you been doing? How long have you been here? Are you enjoying your visit?

A-L to herself: I'm old enough to stay home alone.

A-L to Rudy: Oh, I've been helping my sister out, and relaxing a bit.

Rudy: Ohmigod, do you want me to show you around the Coachella Valley? Aren't you bored at home alone?

A-L to herself: Not that bored.

A-L to Rudy: Oh, I've been here before. I'm enjoying spending time alone. Did I mention I have bird flu? (cough, cough)

Rudy turns car engine off.

Rudy: Have you been to the casinos?

A-L: I don't gamble.

Rudy: You don't have to gamble. How old are you?

A-L: Twenty-nin...uh, thirty.

Rudy: Do you drink?

A-L: I'm a recovering alcoholic.

Rudy: You look so much like your sister. I thought you were Maria, except she's smaller. You're more husky.

What????? I'm husky???? Where the hell did that come from?? First I was being invited to a seedy evening of blackjack and G & T's and now I'm HUSKY???


Michelle S. said...


Anonymous said...


Merry Christmas Michelle S.! Now that I've figured out who you are! I would have commented on your blog, but I can't (I'm not an official blogger...) We'll have to figure out a way exchange information in a non-public forum! :-)

Michelle S. said...

Merry Christmas to you and your cute kids! And to A-L, whose blog has become a must-read pour moi. I'll have to figure out a way to exchange the ol' e-mail addresses without getting spammed :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle, have your mom call my mom! :-)

Michelle S. said...

Me again! Guess my mom doesn't have your mom's number. But here is a half-ass attempt at encryption of my address: :)


Hope Baby Jesus and the Wisewoman enjoyed Christmas (don't you just love the transgender issues children's theater often brings?)! Hope you all had a great one, too, and A-L gets back to Kitty safely.

Dwayne Melancon said...

You should've called the cops telling them there was some creepy person in the neighborhood trying to find young women who were staying home alone.

Or you could just TP his house next time you go back. The separation of the events will make it seem so random.

Or leave a burning pair of Husky sized pants on his doorstep.