Monday, April 11, 2005

Fair Weather Friends

My dad wants me to move to Spain because he's scared of cold weather. He once traveled to Chicago, mid-winter, with no socks. That was the last time he and my mom packed his suitcase 'together'.

My parents were going to come to Scotland, last November, for my graduation, but then they realised it was November, and Scotland. My mom said something about bringing a raincoat 'in case it rains'. It's November, and Scotland. So they ended up not coming because they 'couldn't get the flights'. All booked up, I suppose. November is the best time to come visit Edinburgh, for the Festival of the Grayness.

But now it's spring, which is why it was freezing this past weekend. Mother Winter made one last show, just for kicks. Someone has installed solar panels on the south-facing side of one of Napier University's buildings. April fool's joke, maybe. Stuart pointed them out to me. (I never look up, because then your neck gets cold.) I believe these solar panels would be equally effective if they were installed underneath the building. Fancy a visit?

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