Friday, April 15, 2005

Contempt of Court

My mom gets called for jury duty and spends a long, boring day at the Ventura County Courthouse hoping she doesn't get chosen for a three-week long construction lawsuit. The other jurors are dropping like flies. Irma is still standing, and it's too late to pull the "I no speak much English" trick. So some "young guy who's a manager at two restaurants" is sitting next to her, and a lady in a rainbow shirt, "really bright, almost shiny", comes into the courtroom and my mom turns to "the young guy" and says, "I wonder if her shirt glows in the dark?" My mom's excuse for cracking-wise in the courtroom is "well, you have to entertain yourself somehow". So the next person called up to the stand is the lady in the glow-in-the-dark rainbow shirt, and she walks right in front of my mom and "the young guy" who "almost start laughing". Troublemaker.

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