Wednesday, November 16, 2005


A-L to guy in the queue: I didn't cut in front of you did I?

Guy: No, no. I wasn't in the queue.

A-L: Are you American?

Guy: No, I'm Dutch, but I grew up in New York and have spent a lot of time in London, and I have American flatmates, so I think I've picked up some of their accent.

A-L: You gotta watch out for those Americans.

Guy: I know.

Super-cool Friend of Guy: What are saying?

Guy to S-CFofG: Oh, she was just saying that I sound American, so I was saying that I must have picked it up from my flatmates.

S-CFofG to Guy: Yeah, that's globalisation for you.

A-L to herself: No, globalisation is that you're buying Doritos on Dundas Street in Edinburgh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's cultural imperialsim, that's what it is - shut up damn Americans and let the Dutch schpeak cool, like thisch.