Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Texans in Edinburgh

This morning there were Texans on the bus. The first one to board was a man, who asked the bus driver - in a voice 16 times louder than anyone over here as EVER spoken - for a "DAY PASS." It's called a Day Saver. Duh.

So these two 60ish couples sat behind me, and talked of pressed ham and cheese sandwiches. Why "pressed" ham? Because the guy almost leaned back in his backpack against the sandwiches.

So I turned to the lady behind me and asked where they were from.

"Texas, in the United States."

And her husband had the most fantastic Texas drawl, and he spoke without moving his mouth.

Where in Texas?

"Deep in the heart of Texas. Brownwood."

"Too close to George Bush," added his wife.

And then the man said that their plan for the day was, "to get on the train and get off somewhere."

And then Stuart gave them the name of a town they MUST visit. And we exited, leaving the Texans, and a bus full of stunned Edinburghers who COULD NOT believe that people were actually talking to each other, out loud. And without moving their mouths.


Hollywood Phony said...

you're a traitor!

JWH said...

i didn't know filipkowski was around!

Hollywood Phony said...

Filipkowski's here and Filipkowski's gonna smoke big!