Thursday, December 24, 2009

What *NOT* to Say

At the grocery store this morning. Buying sparkling wine.

25-year-old male Cashier looks at wine, looks at me, and says: Oh, you look old enough.

50-something man behind me in line meets my eyes, and looks terrified for the 25-year-old cashier.

A-L: How old do I look?

50-something man behind me in line looks ready to drop his groceries and run.

Cashier: I'd say 35.

50-something man starts whimpering.

A-L: Nope, guess again.

Cashier: Higher?

50-something man feints.

A-L: You're not married, are you?

Cashier: Nope.

50-something man: Didn't think so.

A-L: What if I told you I'm 24 years old?

Kitty: Maybe in dog years.

1 comment:

jahbay said...

You know that "50 something man" was really 34. Oh the irony.