Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't Strike ME With Lightning

Jewish downstairs neighbor/Sound Engineer Michael was regaling me with stories of his work at a private party on Friday night, the first night of Hanukkah.

Jewish Downstairs Neighbor/Sound Engineer Michael: The food at this private party was amazing. I was eating this mini pizza, and it was soooo good. I couldn't figure out what the secret ingredient was. But it was irresistibly delicious.

A-L: Wow. Tell me more.

JDN/SE M: It had pesto on it. And then it dawned on me why it was so good.

A-L: Don't say it.

JDN/SE M: That's right, it had bacon on it.

A-L: You ate bacon on the first night of Hanukkah?

DN/SE M: Everything's better with bacon. Even Hanukkah.

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