Friday, December 15, 2006

Auster-Doyle Rears Its Spooky Head

Back in the beginning of November the Publishing Ladies* were in Paris to celebrate Jess's birthday. One of the key Publishing Ladies was missing: the Irish-Belgian Abu Dhabi Gemma. (She's the one who suffers from Auster-Doyle syndrome. Which sometimes manifests itself as Auster-Doyle-Smith syndrome. See previous posts.) She's working in Abu Dhabi on a conference on human trafficking, and apparently couldn't sacrifice a weekend for frivolity in Paris.

So, on Saturday night we were out at a restaurant to fete the birthday girl, and who should be sitting at the table next to us? Yes, Paul Auster. Playing the role of Gemma. Coincidence? Perhaps. Probably not. Who knows? Not me.

So, we decided to do the "I'm from L.A. and I see celebrities all the time and I leave them alone" thing, so we took photos of each other, hoping that he'll appear in the background. I will certainly post them when they're developed. What if Roddy Doyle appears in the background?

*Ladies who have/have had a tenuous link to the publishing industry.


Anonymous said...

Hi there- Happy Holidays! ;-)

ALS said...

Hi Tara! Happy Holidays to you too.