Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Pete: I've e-mailed you the itinerary for your flight home.

A-L: Yeah, I got an e-mail from you. But you sent the wrong itinerary

Pete: I just forwarded the one I received from United.

A-L: No, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have booked the itinerary I received.

Pete: No, I've double checked, it's the right one. Irma wanted you to pick up some German Christmas decorations in Frankfurt, and a Liberty Bell magnet for Maria in Philadelphia.

A-L: Oh, so that's why I have two stops between Edinburgh and Los Angeles. I thought it was a mistake.

Pete: No, no. I figured two and a half hours in Frankfurt was enough time to shop for decorations, and three hours in Philadelphia would give you plenty of time to buy the right magnet.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least he didn't route you through Denver!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been out of the loop on your blog and am just catching up, just read the last few blogs and had to stop my self from laughing out loud hysterically because they are just so funny, i think you should right about book, based "loosely" on your immediate family, i think it would be a real page turner and could even be turned into a movie!