Friday, December 29, 2006


2 days ago...

Maria: Why is the flag at the Civic Center at half mast?

A-L: James Brown died.

Maria: Was he from Coachella?

A-L: No, but he was the godfather of soul.

24 hours later...

Maria: I just heard that Gerald Ford died, in Rancho Mirage.

A-L: Oh, wow. I wonder if they'll put the flags at half mast for him too? How do they handle that situation, when two famous people die so closely together?

Maria: Maybe they'll put the flags at quarter mast.

A-L: Do you think James Brown would be annoyed if he knew that Gerald was stealing his thunder, as it were? I read in People magazine that they were bitter rivals.

Maria: Wasn't President Ford's wife an entrepreneur?

A-L: Yeah, she ran a chain of clinics.

Maria: Jenny Craig? She's quite a bit younger than President Ford.

another 24 hours later...

Maria: If you come meet me for lunch, be sure to avoid Miles Boulevard. It's closed for the memorial service.

A-L: James Brown's?

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