Friday, March 04, 2005

Nationbuilding & One-upmanship

The Scene: The bustop at Craighouse Campus of Napier University, this afternoon.

I approached the bustop and recognized my friend Mark. He studies Sociology and is speaking to two people I don't know. One is a woman, thirties, another is a man, twenties, with his back to me, who has an American-ish accent. Possibly Canadian.

Mark: "What is your e-mail address?"

Guy With Back to Me (GWBTM): "It's on the sheet. Or, you can Google me."

Woman in Thirties (WIT): "Nothing comes up when you put my name in Google."

GWBTM: "A lot comes up when you Google me."

Anna-Lisa: (interrupting) "Where are you from? Are you American?"

GWBTM: "I was raised in Iowa."

Anna-Lisa: "But you're not American? Where are you from?"

GWBTM: "I don't really believe in nationalities. What are borders? Why should I conform to borders that were set up arbitrarily by the government, some imaginary line that I can't freely cross?" (like it's the thousandth time he's recited this verse.)

Anna-Lisa: "What kind of passport do you have?"

GWBTM: "A blue one, but I'm getting a red one."

Anna-Lisa: "Oh, so you're American. How are you getting a red one?"

GWBTM: "I have 'Indefinite Leave to Remain'."

Anna-Lisa: "How did you get that?"

GWBTM: "Well, my partner's British*, and so through her. I think I'm supposed to be really grateful that I got it. I had to go through a lot of red tape. Are you over here studying?"

Anna-Lisa: "Actually," (insert condescending long pause while I think about how cool I am), "actually, I just finished my Masters**, and I'm working here, at Napier. What are you doing here?"

GWBTM: "I just finished my PhD at the University of Edinburgh and I'm teaching 'Gender & Sexuality' here at Napier."

Anna-Lisa: "Oh, cool." Quickly turns to Mark who is from the Sheltand Islands and asks: "How are the ponies?"

*(Mentally interrupting him here saying, "I thought you didn't believe in nationalities?????!!!!" (in the style of an 11-year-old)

**It was capitalized in my head.

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