Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Mr. Bloggy, My Mentor

My old* boss Dwayne Melancon has a blog where he writes about mentoring, and priorities, and procrastinating, and other smart business stuff. (Dwayne's the one whose brow is featured in the top right.)

I worked for/with Dwayne at Tripwire Inc. in Portland in 2000. Let me tell you about Dwayne:
-he is from Louisiana, and he's allergic to shellfish (see the irony?????)
-he didn't get mad at me when I broke the Galileo Thermometer in his office
-he was a fair, smart, kind and funny boss
-he and his wife and three kids came to my family reunion in 2002 (to the auction)
-he didn't fire me when I opened an e-mail attachment that spread a virus to EVERYONE at Tripwire

So whatever you read on his site, you got the real scoop here.

*former, not elderly

1 comment:

Dwayne Melancon said...

Thank you for the kind words, Hyphenator. I sometimes feel quite old, you know. I still count you among my most entertaining friends (in a smart - not oafish - way), in spite of the hyphen.
