Monday, November 23, 2009

Six Degrees of NPR Correspondents

A few months ago a real-live reporter from NPR was at the cafe across the street from my house, The Velo Rouge, interviewing patrons about the Tour de France (say in a French accent). Of course I had to talk to him.

A-L (Holding out her cell phone like it's a microphone): Hi, who are you?

Reporter: Ummm, I'm conducting an interview for NPR.

A-L: You're a reporter for NPR?

Reporter: I'm an intern.

A-L: We all have to start somewhere.

Intern: I'm doing an internship at KQED.

A-L: Do you know Sylvia Poggioli?


pwr said...

I don't get this at all. I miss not getting your jokes. xx

Emma said...

When in San Francisco, in whhat kind of accent do you say "Sylvia Poggioli?"

ALS said...

In the same accent as Sylvia.