Monday, December 22, 2008

Casting Call

Maria: Tomorrow is the Christmas play at Gloria's house. Annais is going to be an angel.

A-L: What?? She played the starring role two years ago. She was baby Jesus. Did her and Gloria fall out?

Maria: I think she's too big to fit in the cradle. And the baby Jesus couldn't talk, or make jokes. No one likes a wise-cracking Savior.

A-L: I don't remember Gloria using a cradle. I think Annais was wrapped in swaddling clothes in a laundry basket. A plastic one. And why has she been downgraded to an angel?

Maria: That's sacrilegious. That's hardly downgrading. The angels were a very important part of the whole scenario.

A-L: Speaking of sacrilegious, you can't refer to the Nativity as a 'scenario', can you?

Maria: And since Aila's kindergarten is closed for Christmas vacation, she'll be making a guest appearance in the scenario.

A-L: As what, Jesus's Mexican cousin?? Is she serving tamales?

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