Monday, September 15, 2008


A-L: Hi Maria, how's Kindergarten?

Sister Maria: I'm not in Kindergarten any more.

A-L: You know our lives and conversations now revolve around the two little people you made. How's Aila doing?

Sister Maria: She's well. She loves Kindergarten, and her teacher, Mrs. Crump.

A-L: Do you mean Mrs. Bread-Crumb?

Sister Maria: You heard me, I said Mrs. CrumP.

A-L: Who's Mrs. Crump? Does she have two teachers? This isn't one of those new-fangled job-sharing situations, is it? You're not sending her to a Presbyterian kindergarten, are you? What happened to Mrs. Crumb. Did she leave?

Sister Maria: Turns out her teacher's name is Crump. Like Crum-pet.

A-L: Not as fun as Bread-Crumb, but we'll work with it.

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