Monday, November 29, 2010

Q is For Kindergarten Homework

Every week, Annais's kindergarten class celebrates, if you will, a different letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is H.

Sister Maria: I'm not looking forward to week Q.

A-L: Pourquoi?

Sister Maria: Well, Annais has to find pictures that illustrate that letter, and write the word next to the picture. And Q is a tricky one. So during your magazine perusals, if you see a picture that starts with Q, please tear out that page.

A-L: I don't suppose Annais knows how to spell Quixotic.

Sister Maria: She'll learn. Did you find a picture that illustrates it?

A-L: Uh, I don't really know what it means. But I did find another Q image.

Sister Maria: Which one?

A-L: It's a picture of the Vietnamese jungle.

Sister Maria: I don't follow.

Annais: It's Q, for Quagmire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'A' is for 'Anti-quixotic'