Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Former flatmate Paul from Scotland is staying in Oakland for a spell. He goes by the moniker "PWR".

A-L: What brings you to the Bay Area?

PWR: A cat.

A-L: You didn't bring Kitty with you, did you? I've tried my darndest to make sure she doesn't find out where I'm living.

PWR: No. I'm cat sitting for Gregor and Caitlin.

Kitty: Those are funny cat names.

PWR: For their cat Astrid.

Kitty: An even funnier cat name.

A-L: That's a long way to travel for a cat sitting gig.

PWR: I'm a professional.

A-L: I thought you did something with computers? Aren't you the one who programmed Kitty to be passive agressive?

Kitty: That's from my mother's side of the family.

A-L: Your first mother was a Chinese man, named Su, who was not passive aggressive.

PWR: But you digress. I'm here for three weeks

A-L: Excellent. I need blog material.

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