Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wavy Gravy

A-L: Let's do something totally absurd this evening.

PWR: I know, let's go listen to Wavy Gravy speak at the Beat Museum.

A-L: Who's he?

PWR: Come on. Everyone knows who Wavy Gravy is.

A-L: Did you?

PWR: Yes. After I followed the link above to Wikipedia.

A-L: Ok, so he's a hippie activist, and was the official clown of The Grateful Dead.

PWR: That's a bit indulgent. Did they *really* need an official clown? Anywho, let's go. It seems like an appropriately San Francisco thing to do.

A-L: Will I be allowed in?

PWR: Why wouldn't you? Because of your shrill laugh?

A-L: No, because my parents voted for Reagan. And Nixon.

PWR: Uh, I don't think anyone will find out, unless you're wearing your "My parents are the only two people in America who don't love the Kennedys" t-shirt?

A-L: That's in the laundry. So is my "Iran Contra, Iran Shmontra" sweatshirt.

PWR: You're safe then. Just don't laugh. Too loudly.

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