Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Scenic Lebanon

I can't wait until the Syrians get out and we can all go to scenic Lebanon. My dad always says, "You know, they used to call Beirut the 'Paris of the Middle East' and then they ruined it." Well, Peter, maybe in a few years we can go visit.


Hollywood Phony said...

My roommate in college was lebanese and he was always talking about how great it was before the syrians ruined everything. Also, there was a fake commercial on "not necessarily the news" for the lebanon tourist board with a song that went "come to lebanon, we're still your friends" to images of masked men blowing up cars and shit. Did I date myself with the not necessarily the news reference? I think I did.

ALS said...

Paul, keep your x-rated comments to yourself. This is a family oriented (orientated, if you're British) blog, and there's no room for crudeness here.