Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Axis of RSVPs

So, I am handling the RSVPs for an upcoming event, and it turned out that the only people who had not replied were the Germans, the Italians, and the Japanese. Hmmm...what are they plotting??

So I told flatmate Paul this little factoid and he replied: "I'd expect that of the Italians, but certainly not of the Germans or Japanese."

A-L: "Expect what?"

Paul: "You know, non
Respondez S'il Vous Plait . Or Respondez S'il Vous Plait when I'm done with my 4-hour lunch."

A-L: "The EU needs you."

Paul: "I don't think the Japanese will be let into the EU."

A-L: "Not at this rate they won't. They can't even RSVP for a dinner."


Anonymous said...

wrong font...

ALS said...

Sometimes Times New Roman is the best.