Thursday, October 13, 2005

Active Minds

A-L: "My dad called me from France the other day, for free, from his computer, using Skype, which he pronounces 'sky pee'."

Paul: "I think I'd like to meet your dad. It sounds like he has quite an active mind."

A-L: "He does. You'd like him. My dad's a nice guy. In fact, he'd like you."

Paul: "Everybody likes me. Actually, it was the oddest thing, I just met someone who didn't like me, which never happens. Where was that? Oh yes, it was up in Elgin, but she was drunk."

A-L: "Inactive mind."

Paul: "Pardon."

A-L: "She probably has an inactive mind."

Paul: "She needs sky pee."


Anonymous said...

why don't you rename your blog? you could call it something like, oh I don't know...Ode to Paul

ALS said...

Yes, that would be great. Thank you for your suggestion. I'll put it to the Board at the next meeting and let you know. Cheers.