Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Man, A Plan, An Anniversary Party in Panorama City

Sister Maria: Cousin Judy had a great suggestion for the 40th Anniversary party.

A-L: Was it to seat Mrs. Meyer next to Mr. Meher, and vice versa?

Sister Maria: Close. She thought of the *perfect* venue.

A-L: I know exactly what I'm going to make you say.

Sister Maria: That's right, she suggested the Knight's Head Inn in North Hollywood.

A-L: The bar where Pete and Irma met?

Sister Maria: That's right.

A-L: You know Irma's mortified that she met her husband in a bar.

Kitty: Especially since it's really in Panorama City, and not the more-glamorous-sounding North Hollywood.

Sister Maria: Public Safety Pete says it's not there anymore.

A-L: Well, I Googled "Knight's Head Inn", and all I get are some posts from a woman who is looking for her birth mother, who used to work there.

Sister Maria: I'll phone Pete and Irma and ask them if they remember a waitress named
Linda Turco.

Kitty: She's on

Sister Maria: So we've reunited someone with her mother, but still no venue.

Kitty: Stay tuned.

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