Monday, September 22, 2008

That Yellow Orb in the Sky

Irma: I have the cutest story to tell you.

A-L: What has Pete said now?? He's always saying the darndest things.

Irma: No, this time it's Aila. Sister Maria and Grandbrother Hector went to a parent-teacher conference last week. And Mrs. Bread-Crumpet reported to them that she had been explaining the planets and stars to the class, when Aila said "but you know, the sun is mostly hydrogen."

A-L: You're right. That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. I can't wait to tell everyone who has internet access. I'll start by e-mailing GW. He's always game for a good niece story.


A-L: Hi GW, see above for the latest cute niece story.

GW: Everyone knows that Hydrogen only accounts for approximately 74% of the sun's surface by mass. The remainder is accounted for by Helium. She may have been referring to Hydrogen by volume, I guess.

A-L: She did say mostly Hydrogen.

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